报告题目:FunctionalFerroelectric Tunnel Junctions with Ultra-thin BaTiO3Layers
With the advance of the information technology data has become a new asset class- the new oil of the internet. The media of storing the data becomes more and more important. In the information storage devices, the data are stored in term of the electron spin and electron charge. In the present talk, I will discuss there searches in my group on the nanostructured materials used for the ultra-highdensity magnetic recording media, magnetic random access memory and electricfield controlled energy efficient resistance memory. For the application of high density magnetic recording media and magnetic random access memory, our research focused on the development of high anisotropy magnetic materials – L 10FePtwith magnetic anisotropy is as high as 7×107erg/cm3,which allows the storage density to be as high as 50 T bits/in2.Through the material and structure design, nanostructured FePt films have been developed to meet all the requirements of the industry. For example, forapplication of FePt for next generation magnetic recording media- heatingassisted magnetic media, FePt films with uniform small grain size (5 nm), (001)texture, and high anisotropy are developed. For the MRAM application,ultra-thin FePt film (1 nm) with (001) texture and high anisotropy wereobtained. For energy efficient memory, voltage (electric field) rather currentused in CMOS and hard disk drives are used to writing the data.In this part, Iwill discuss a new emerging information storage technology based on ferroelectric tunnel junction which combines electric field writing and resistance reading. The ferroelectric tunnel junction was successfully developed on silicon substrate and writing speed, endurance and fatigue will bediscussed.